Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Ladies of Sorrow (wrap-up)

Well, I've managed to finish up one of my bigger attempts to write something.

It started as the first entry in here, as well as being the first real big effort of my own to write something...different.
edit: (Since it effed ish up.)

And it wraps


While Madonna moves
With woeful grace
The Third will leave blood
In her trace

And the Second Sister
Sighs her weary song
Her gentle weeps, the melody
The Third cries out unholy screams
And bitter cackles
For her trickery

She breathes fire into lungs
From heavy bosoms, hidden
Behind black, draping locks
And lips cold,
Like midnight
On a first winter's eve

Her dance
Is for the Mysteries
That haunt us
Long after
Laid to wake
And her title
Is The Youngest
Our Lady
Of Darkness

Praise the Ladies of Sorrow!

As there were three Fates
There are three Ladies of Sorrow
For three Graces,
There are three Furies,
Just the same
Their laughter is unheard
Their songs, unsung,
They speak the symbols,
While we dream the words..

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